G10 Flange Insulating Gasket, PTFE Sealing, 2 Inch, 600 LB

Key Specifications / Features

Model No.: FGBK-23-G-126
Hits: 13
Our G10 Flange Insulating Gasket, manufactured in China, is designed with precision for Class 600 LB applications. Featuring Version F, this 2-inch gasket employs PTFE sealing for reliable performance. The kit includes a G10 retainer and sleeve, along with G10 + ZPS washers. Trust the quality of our insulation gasket for your flange sealing needs.
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Detail Information

Product Name: G10 Flange Insulating Gasket
Version: F
Diameter: 2 Inch
Pressure Rating: Class 600 LB
Sleeve: G10
Retainer: G10 
Sealing: PTFE
Washer: G10 and ZPS

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