ASME B16.20 Semi-Metallic Gasket, 5 Inch, 1500 LB, CGI Type

Key Specifications / Features

Model No.: FGBK-23-G-136
Hits: 6
Our ASME B16.20 Semi-Metallic Gasket is expertly manufactured for 5-inch applications with a Class 1500 LB rating. It features an AISI 304 Inner Ring, CS Outer Ring, and an AISI 304 Hoop filled with Flexible Graphite. Count on the reliability and performance of our gaskets for your industrial needs.
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Detail Information

Product Name: ASME B16.20 Semi-Metallic Gasket
Type: CGI
Size: 5 Inch, DN125
Pressure Rating: Class 1500 LB, PN250
Material of Inner Ring: AISI 304
Material of Outer Ring: Carbon Steel
Manufacture Standard: ASME B16.20
Material of Basic Ring: AISI 304 Hoop Filled with Flexible Graphite

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